How do I get started?

Not sure what to do now that you’ve found us? Start by reaching out to our friendly Newcomer’s Liaison! In most cases, this would be the office of the “Chatelaine“; look for THIS symbol! chatelaine24

The Chatelaine can be contacted through the form on our “Contact Us” page, or on the “Officers” page.

Here are some links you may find helpful –

Newcomer’s Portal at the SCA’s official website.

       “New to the SCA?”, published on the SCA’s official Website.

The Official East Kingdom website, where you can view our current King and Queen, the royal Heirs, and the heads of each branch of office.

The East Kingdom Gazette, a volunteer run blog which provides information for the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism. This is not an official publication of the SCA.

The East Kingdom Wiki, a place to collect information about the history of the East Kingdom, its awards, customs and people.